We got house fever near the end of 2000. I don't know if it was an early "nesting" symptom or what. We found this beautiful little cabin on 6 acres. The owner and his family had it built as a vacation home and then decided shortly after having it finished that they didn't need it. So a brand new home on 6 beautiful acres for $46,000. Um, yes we'd like to buy it NOW! So we did. It was very exciting and we couldn't wait to make it home. We closed the last week in February.

You can see the creek that ran directly behind it. It was breath taking!

This is the view from up on the hill country behind the cabin. We were looking down on it. It was akin to something straight out of a Gatlinburg brochure!
As I mentioned earlier, the need to find a home may have been foreshadowing what was to come. Exactly 2 weeks after closing on the house, I woke up one morning and thought to myself...I don't feel right. We were NOT trying to expand our family and when that faint second line appeared on the trusty EPT, I immediately started crying! Mike and I took turns looking at it saying, "That can't be right." But very soon fear faded into a cozy shade of delight and I distinctly remember the moment I looked at my husband and thought, "I'm having your baby. How could I be so blessed." The next day I received the most dazzling bouquet of yellow roses (my favorite) with tiny purple flowers and baby's breath. And a card that could have made Hitler cry! I'll never forget how special I felt at that moment.
Here we are in our country cabin. Mike is building a new laundry room for me. I am VERY pregnant. Call me crazy, but I miss that. I would have had many, many more babies with you, Sir!

On December 12, 2001 at 7:11pm we met for the first time our precious baby girl, Gracelynn Michelle Williams. I never got overly emotional during my pregnancy. In fact, I never shed a tear. Until I heard her cry about 2 seconds after her delivery. It was suddenly very real and I was immediately madly in love with her. And so was her Daddy. And darling girl, we still are.
Gracie is less than 2 hours old here. Her Daddy had just changed her very first diaper. A few kisses to top it off.

These posts could never capture the emotion and deep love each of these memories hold. I miss those moments with our squishy, soft newborns, but I cherish each new memory we make with them as they grow into fine young ladies!
My sweet husband, you were in 2001, and you are now the most amazing father! Our girls are blessed. I am blessed. I love you!
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