Friday, May 21, 2010

The Graduate!

After two years in the Parent's Day Out program at our church, Autumn graduates! She will start Kindergarten in the fall. She was very proud. And so are we! Tootie's growing up...

Autumn walking across the stage to accept her Bible from Ms. Sherie!

Autumn with her teachers Ms. Sherie & Ms. Michelle. We will MISS them!

Autumn and her best friend Savannah. They've been together from the start! This picture melts my heart...I LOVE having girls!

We're proud of you Autumn-bottom!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Neighbor Labor

Sometimes your neighbors ask you to pick up their mail. Or walk their dog. And sometimes they ask you to dig a giant hole for their new fish pond. :) "Like a good neighbor"...

*I'll have to post a picture of the completed project!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Vacation Blues...

*Update* On our way back from this very spot! About 84 miles from Atlanta. Thanks to technology I'm posting at approximately 70 miles per hour... :)

It would be nice to stand here sometime in the near future. Just sayin.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

What Are You Waiting For?

I went for a long walk this morning. About an hour and a half. It was refreshing in every way. I was not constantly thinking about the homework I should be doing. Mike was home, so I did not feel bad to be away from the girls for a bit. Thus no shame. No guilt to hover over me like a rain cloud waiting to steal my sunshine. The sky was clear blue and it was a little cool. Thus no bugs! A perfect day for a walk with the Lord. My soul was weary and thirsty for a few quiet moments to enter in. I had my music going and every song brought me closer to the throne. Singing loudly (sorry for the neighbors), praying fervently. Raising my hands and offering my heart.

Can you even imagine what it must have been like to walk with the Lord fully PRESENT through the garden? I was reminded today, as I let everything else fall away, how truly and totally satisfying the Lord is.

This summer break is in many ways my Sabbath. A time of rest and refreshment. God in His infinite wisdom knows how crucial it is for us to have periods of rest. (Exodus 20:11) I'm not trying to be legalistic about the idea. I don't think you need to make a list of rules to follow or cast down judgement if someone carries it out a little differently than you. I do believe, however, that it is important to find what and where revives your soul and allow the Lord to minister to you there.

Satan is indeed prowling around, searching for whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Fighting a battle - especially when we remember it is against the darkness of this world and spiritual forces of evil (Eph. 6:12) - is hard. But nearly impossible when we are exhausted.

I just want to encourage you to find some time to rest. I know many of us are about as busy as we could possibly be. I don't think that's much of an excuse. One that's sure to burn up on the day we face our Merciful Savior. Tomorrow is Sunday and Mother's Day. Let's take a few moments at least to curl up in the Father's arms, breath deep and rest.

Really any day is a perfect day to walk with the Lord :)

Blessings! Rest well...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sometimes joy comes in the mourning...

These are just a few of the pictures you can find of our city in the Leaf Chronicle. It's sad. It's heart wrenching for those who are facing the loss of businesses. Homes. And for some, tragically, family or friends. I do not - in any way - want to disrespect or make light of those who find themselves forever impacted by this flood.

I do want, however, to stand in awe of our Powerful God. Scripture tells us that "the voice of the Lord is over the waters" (Psalm 29:3). Psalm 104:7 tells us that the waters flee at His rebuke. And Psalm 93:4 reminds us that He is mightier than the waters.

The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. Psalm 29:10

There are some things in this life I simply do not understand. The pain and loss that many in our city and all over our state are experiencing tonight breaks my heart. I do know that the Lord is good. And merciful. And that He is still on His throne. And we'll praise Him in this storm.


Another one bites the dust!

3 more semesters to go...but I'll think about that in August :)

Look out summer. Here we come!