Mike was able to go just for attending the Wonder Conference at WCA. They were sold out, so there really was no hope of my being able to go with him. I told him he could NOT miss the opportunity and to tell me all about it when he got home.
So sad.
We went to eat dinner and on the way back to the church we decided it was at least worth it for me to park and walk up with him. Maybe someone had an extra ticket...
Mike started praying that there would be a way for me to go with him. Lo and behold, at the exact moment we walked in the door Mike saw a gentleman hand an extra ticket to one of the door attendants. He walked over and she smiled and said, "Here you go"!
I just about had a moment right there in the middle of the lobby...actually I did do a praise filled fist pump because come on...give praise where praise is due!
God is so good. Even in the small things!
The picture above is from the concert. They had it up on one of the ginormous screens. I cut it down because this sweet woman's hair was floating in the side of the picture! This is the only picture I took during the whole concert. It was awesome and I couldn't bring myself to do anything but worship. It was beyond icing on the cake of this blessed trip.
Sometimes God speaks in whispers...and sometimes He shouts! Last night He was SHOUTING and I was in AWE!
Consider these lyrics:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled
To be emptied again
The seed I've received
I will sow
Hillsong - Desert Song (There is no sound until about 21 seconds in so hang with it! You'll be so glad you did!)
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