This was our first plane ride. It was crazy fun. I made the poor lady sitting next to us take our picture! When the plane took off and landed I really wanted to put my hands in the air and squeal like a roller coaster rider. But I didn't. Your welcome Honey. One day we'll do it again!
The second was not fun at the time, but we can laugh now. Or I can laugh now anyway... a quick back story... Mike & I left our jobs in February 2000 to work together. We took a contract with a guy running an installation company. We traveled around uninstalling and reinstalling dishwashers that had been recalled in apartment buildings. I know. This particular time we had to travel to Atlanta. We were meeting a guy there to help us get a complex completed under a time crunch. His name was Dave Matthews. I'm not making that up! So we headed on down. Found our guy. Finished our first day and headed back toward our hotel. We got off the interstate and on the turn, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF OUR DISHWASHERS flew off the trailer into 3 lanes of heavy downtown Atlanta traffic! Sweet mercy. Mike instantly became the Incredible Hulk (I'm pretty sure he was actually green) and threw them all back onto the trailer while dodging speeding cars. I was in total shock...I wanted to quit that day.
Here's Mike in our Atlanta hotel totally faking a conversation with Dave Matthews. He was pretending it was THE Dave Matthews :)
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