Superwoman & Pink Princess with their Great Grandmother...

Getting the goodies...

Look out world here they come...

I hold you in my heart for we have shared together God's blessings. Phil 1:7
I'm very proud of her! She gets all that talent honestly. And not from me.
Yes, you heard correctly. No, it's not proper. But it sure is fun!
Thanks Kerri, Sunny and Ella. We had a great time getting to know you all :)
In case you want to have some slimy fun, here's the recipe.
Per Person:
1 1/2 cups water, separated
1 (4oz) bottle white liquid glue (like Elmer's or RoseArt)
1 tsp Borax
food coloring
wax paper or garbage bag (to dry mixture on)
In a bowl mix together entire bottle of glue and 1/2 cup water. Add food coloring to get desired color. Set aside. In another bowl mix together 1 cup water and 1 tsp borax. Slowly pour glue mixture into the bowl with the water and borax, stirring continuously. A gel will begin to form. Pick up the slimy mixture and gently squeeze out excess water. Lay the glob on a piece of wax paper or garbage bag to dry. Let dry approx 2 minutes. Flip mixture and dry other side for same amount of time. After about 5 minutes you should have a nice hunk of slime to play with! Enjoy! :)
PS. When you're done playing simply place glob in a Ziploc bag and place in the fridge until next time. Or throw it away and make it fresh next time. Cause making it is half the fun!