Mommy wanted to say Happy Birthday!
I just wanted you (and the world) to know how special you are! Three years ago, in the middle of a very HOT August, you came into this world declaring loudly your arrival. Daddy & I have not stopped smiling since. You are absolute sunshine in our lives. Your "yellow" hair and big green eyes dance wildly with you every morning on your way into our room. You are either extremely happy or extremely sassy! And either mood makes us laugh.
A few of your favorite things right now are:
~MILK...any shape, form or fashion
~ponies...the "my little" kind
~racing with Daddy when he leaves for work
~small kisses complete with a big grin
~sneaking into our bed at night
~walking Gracie into her class every morning
~Big girl Dora panties
~Sunday School
~ponies...the "my little" kind
~racing with Daddy when he leaves for work
~small kisses complete with a big grin
~sneaking into our bed at night
~walking Gracie into her class every morning
~Big girl Dora panties
~Sunday School
A few of your dislikes:
~having your bed sent to China
~steel cut oats
~sitting still for supper
~when Gracie doesn't come home from school right away
~when Daddy tries to tickle Mommy
~steel cut oats
~sitting still for supper
~when Gracie doesn't come home from school right away
~when Daddy tries to tickle Mommy
A few of your hilarious sayings:
~"See, Dad. I'm not died. I'm still talking so I'm not died."
~"I wanna know your day." (this is what you say to Gracie when she gets in the car at school each afternoon)
~"I am NOT for you."
~"I need to tell you sompin...One day...."
~"It's nothing to worry about."
~"Happy Birthday, Autumn." (to yourself in the mirror)
~all of your f's sound like th's...sorta like when you say if...it sounds like ith...so cute
~"I wanna know your day." (this is what you say to Gracie when she gets in the car at school each afternoon)
~"I am NOT for you."
~"I need to tell you sompin...One day...."
~"It's nothing to worry about."
~"Happy Birthday, Autumn." (to yourself in the mirror)
~all of your f's sound like th's...sorta like when you say if...it sounds like ith...so cute
You are so sweet. You are sometimes so sassy. You are beautiful. You are smart. You love to read and do "homework" with your sister. You like playing "teachers" and "mommy" with Gracie. You love to pray a lot. And randomly. And long. And I hope that never changes! You are so much fun and I'm so thankful you are mine, dollbaby!
To my big girl, three year old baby...I love you with all my heart! You make me very proud to be your Mommy.
Happy Birthday, Tootie!