Monday, December 17, 2007

Gracie's Birthday and more...

It's been quite a while since we posted. Sorry about that. Things have been kinda busy around here. Wrapping up school and getting ready for the holidays! :)

Gracie's birthday was Dec. 12th and we've been celebrating for an entire week! She had an early morning surprise party (with Dora legos and ice-cream for breakfast!) on her actual birthday, then another party at school that afternoon, then another party with her friends and the Williams' clan on Saturday and a "breakfast for dinner" party per her request on Sunday with my bunch! So, 6, has been good to Gracie so far!

And to top it all off, we took the girls on our annual trip to see the lights at Opryland. It was cold, but clear, and we had a great time. This was the first year that Autumn really got to enjoy the pretty lights. They were both wide-eyed and giggly the whole time! Part of our trip is to enjoy some delicious ice-cream (inside where it's warm!) during our tour.....We are blessed!

Another wonderful part of our weekend was getting to keep our sweet nephew, Camden! He is the most precious "little man"! Thanks to Trent & Jayme for letting us love on him this weekend! We love you guys! :)

And one final note....PLEASE pray for Mike! He is in the middle of what could be an awesome opportunity for our family and church family! Pray for wisdom and direction and that the Lord would bless this opportunity. And that through it all Jesus would be glorified! Thank you SO much for your prayers! We love and appreciate you all from the bottom of our hearts! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes..... I can not believe my darling little baby niece.... is six years old.... I think I could just cry, in fact I have..... haha I was def. having a pity paty at work bc I was missing her party, my co worker was trying to console me, but there were tears.... and then crying and the whole "you don't understand" .... it was pretty intense.... anyways, I'm glad to hear that the party went well for her, I hear poppy made an appearance haha those are few and far between for this family, but he had a blast with her!! I still have birthday presents for her so I will have to make it out there or something soon!!! Love you guys!!!