Well, we enjoyed our Thanksgiving holiday like crazy! We ate, laughed, played, ate some more, laughed some more and played some more...well, you get the picture. It was fun times. Over the course of two festive occasions, we (and our families) consumed over 40lbs of turkey! Countless tasty side dishes and desserts. We are blessed! I began to realize (as Mike and I was talking to our good friend at church) how silly it is that we complain about how much food we eat and how we might have gained a few (or a lot) of pounds over the holiday! What a problem to have, right?! The food was fantastic - and having my wisdom teeth cut out a couple of weeks ago and eating only soup for a pretty long time, well let's just say it was on - but I have so much more to be thankful for this year. I have an amazing, hottie of a husband, two beautiful, intelligent and sweet girls, a nice, warm home, a car that runs, family & friends I couldn't be without, and a Savior who died for me. We all have our problems, but something about this time of year just seems to help us get a grip and realize how extremely blessed we truly are!
Like many others, it has become our tradition to set up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. And well, this is what happens when you don't specify a "serious or silly face" for your picture!

He's the best! :)
I sure hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, too. We love you!!