This morning, as we were running over the checklist before we headed out the door, I asked Autumn if she had brushed her hair...."Yes!!" Then I asked her if she had her backpack..."Dadddddy, yes!! (complete with annoyed tone)"...and finally I asked if she had brushed her teeth. She had to pause for a second and think about that one! Now, you have to understand that brushing her teeth is not exactly her favorite thing to do (I'm sure she's not the only 4 year old who feels this way!). So finally she gave me a sheepish "Yes...", and then an "I can't remember". So I told her to cup her hand over her face and blow out, and then tell me what it smelled like (Catrina would probably tell me not to teach my girls man-tricks like this). So Gracie, being the first-born leader that she is, decided to smell her own breath first, and said her breath smelled like mint. And then Autumn, trying to copy her sister, tried it, looked up and smiled, and proudly and confidenly told me that her breath smelled like meat. MEAT. I could not quit laughing! There's nothing like some good ol' meat breath before rushing to meet the day!