Wow, it has been a while since we've posted anything! Trina is in the midst of her first semester of nursing school, and free time is NOT something she has a lot of right now, so I guess it will be up to me to handle the updates. So buckle your pew belt, we've got some ground to cover :)
First things first. We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Waiting for our house to be ready to move into, we were still living with Trina's parents at Christmas time, so we had the privilige of spending Christmas with Don and Cathy. It was nice to be out in the country and to take it easy that day. We've come up with a rule for our family that we don't visit with everyone on Christmas day. There's so many people to see, that it becomes hectic and unenjoyable trying to run around all day. So we break it up over several days. It kind of falls in line with this new idea of trying to live a simple life we've heard about :)
At the end of Dec., we finally got the go ahead to close on the house and move in! So exciting! This is the first house that we have ever built (or had built for us...although I did put some sweat equity in!), and it is such a blessing. The LORD has been so good to our family, and continues to amaze us all the time.
And then there's Trina and nursing school. The girl works hard, and I'm super proud of her. It's not easy being mom, wife, and student. Anyone who knows the job descriptions of any of those titles knows that to combine all three and to still have sanity, peace, and strength at the end of the day is no easy feat. We appreciate your prayers during this time, as it is difficult for us at times to connect as a family like we're used to. But we know the Lord has opened the door for her, and we will be obedient to follow through :) It's only a season, right?
Hey, did I mention our goal is to lead a simple life?? One of these days.... :)