My first week out of school has been fun. I've spent most of the week unpacking boxes and trying to get this house feeling like home. I believe we have a new "unpacking record"! Much of that has to do with how much bigger this house is than others we've enjoyed...everything really does have a place! I'll post some pictures of the unpacked version of the house soon.
A few fun things:
-Gracie had her first gig! We watched her perform in the annual Tribute to America concert at school on Thursday, May 1st.
-We had a super fun Family night on Friday. We ate pizza, watched
How To Eat Fried Worms, and the girls and Mike had their weekly wrestling event in the living room floor! Autumn was inexplicably bothered by the fact that the boys in the movie put worms in their pants. I videoed her telling us about it later to post here.
-On Sunday we went to our Pastor's house for a luncheon with him, his wife and other members of our church. It was really fun. Thanks Freddy T & Susan! We love and appreciate you both so much! (Please everyone keep them in your prayers. Susan is a beautiful, TINY woman who happens to be pregnant with TWINS due in December! Pray for the Lord's mercy, protection and favor for their growing family throughout this pregnancy!)
-Yesterday evening Mike says to me, "I'm going out to mow." All I could do was laugh. Not because he never mows or anything. It's just that it was Tuesday. And it was 5pm. I don't know, maybe it is because until moving here, mowing was an all day event, but it got me so tickled. Then he got tickled (albeit, slightly confused) that I was so tickled. Anyway, no one cares, but it was one of my favorite moments of the entire week and this is my blog and I can write silly run-on sentences about goofy stuff if I want to! I'm pretty sure no one reads this blog anyway! :)

We've almost officially made it to summer break! Gracie only has three weeks left at school and my CNA class runs from May 19th - May 30th. Then we can be found enjoying the freedoms that summer brings! Gracie has had a terrific Kindergarten year! I'm so thankful for her teacher, Mrs. Bradley! Gracie says she will miss her teacher and her friends, but is excited about a new school and a new grade in the fall. Autumn is enrolled in Mother's Day Out at FBC on Wednesdays & Fridays starting in the fall. We'll pray she and I are ready for that!
Well, that's pretty much it for this last week. I'm happy to say things have slowed down around here! We'll be looking for some in-town activities this summer, so if anybody has any ideas, send them my way...
Love ya'll!