Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost There...

* UPDATE: I passed!! Summer break and on to my LAST semester of Nx school! Praise the Lord! *

One more exam + One more clinical + Two finals = A BREAK!!!!!!!!

Almost there...

3/4 of the way through Nursing school.



Bryan and Jennifer said...

Hey guys, just a quick note: we are very thankful for the work you do in and for the church. Thank you for carefully choosing songs full of truth, and not just "Jesus-is-my-girlfriend" songs. Your ministry means a lot to us. And Catrina, hang in there: we need a medical professional on our hippie farm!

Catrina said...

I love it!!!!! Thank you both for all of your encouragement and support. You have no idea what a blessing you are to us :) I wish we could see you guys before you head into the big freeze, but maybe we'll just have to get some good coats and come play in the snow!! Love you guys! :)