I've decided not to take any classes this summer (except for my CNA class in Dickson at the end of May - it only lasts for two weeks though) because we all just need a break. I'm going to go ahead and finish my nursing pre and co-requisites over the next year at APSU so I can start nursing school with only my clinicals to go...but that's more than enough talk about school. I reserve the right to boycott that word until August! Thank you everybody for helping me make it one more semester!
So, I thought I would tell you a little about our new house! It is so beautiful! We could not be happier! It is the best place and we could not feel more blessed to call it home. I'll throw in some pictures here for you to see it. They do not do it justice I assure you. (And disregard boxes and messes!) That's just life around here! If you feel loving a house is shallow, read no further!
We are in a great neighborhood on a dead end road. I truly don't think you could find a better location in Clarksville to live! Here's my top 10 list (so far) for our house:
10. You can pull in and out of the driveway without feeling like you are immediately jumping onto the racetrack!
9. All the rooms have doors - that lock!
8. The floors are clean (and cleanable) which means I don't spend the entire day scrubbing them and wonder if you can even tell I did!
7. Everyone has their own private space...and let's face it...that's NICE!
6. There are 9 closets. Yea, I KNOW!
5. The front and backyard give the girls lots of space to play all their most important games. My particular favorite is when Gracie lays her body the length of the slide and Autumn pretends to throw her down it like Scar does Mufasa in the Lion King. The yard is important! And the deck, my word!
4. There are two full bathrooms - thank you Jesus!
3. Mike has a music room finally. Bless his heart!
2. Mike is 5 minutes from work!
1. There is a dishwasher. Can I get an AMEN ya'll?!
And if that weren't enough. I forgot to tell ya'll that Mike bought me a car in February....um, yea, a car!
God is so good! He gives us SO MUCH MORE than we could ever imagine (Eph 3:20)! Trust me. Don't get me wrong, I'm keeping it all in perspective. I know these are material things and I intend to keep storing up my treasure in heaven. I'm just so thankful...and I want to give praise where praise is due!
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17
So here are those pictures I talked about!